The International Academy of CIO co-organized a “Smart Home to Smart City – Technology for Ageing” seminar on February 14th at the 58th Session of the Commission on Social Development highlighting the application of new and emerging technologies for ageing society.
The Honorable Toshiya Hoshino, Japanese Ambassador to the U.N. opened the session and Professor Toshio Obi, Waseda University and President Emeritus of the International Academy of CIO moderated. Speakers included IAC members Professor Naoko Iwasaki, Waseda University and APEC Director on Smart Silver Innovation who focused on the potential of technology to address ageing issues in social isolation, healthcare and disaster preparedness and highlighted Japanese innovation in robots and robotics, Professor J.P. Auffret, George Mason addressing considerations for AI and ageing society, and Professor Alexander Ryzhov discussing application of data analytics for ageing and ageing society.
Professor Obi and Iwasaki concluded with a discussion of the potential to strengthen the role of the U.N. on capacity building on smart cities and the potential for a Smart Home and quality of life project as part of the SDGs.
Sponsors included Waseda University, Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corporation, China National Committee on Ageing, The Secretariat of the China National Working Commission on Ageing, NGO Committee on Ageing, and UN DESA.
For more information about the event, please check out the event flyer below –
Source of flyer:
The 58th UNCSD Ageing Society Event